
Telescript International
258 Oak Tree Road - Tappan NY 10983
office (201) 767-6733

How to perform a Silent Installation of TeleScript Software (for IT/SYSOPS)

IMPORTANT: If you have installed TeleScript AV on this computer before, you'll have to remove the previous version before starting the installation.Do this using Windows Settings/Apps. Find TeleScript AV and remove any version of the app.

Here's how to do a "silent" install.

  • Download the most recent installer from telescriptservice.com. Be sure to select the correct software title -- in this case, TeleScript AV.
  • Find the installer for TeleScript AV. Unless you directed the download elsewhere, it will be in your Windows Download folder.
  • Make a folder on your desktop called TAV-Setup.
    When you're done, you can just copy this folder onto a flash drive or other media for storage and you may delete the desktop folder.
  • Copy the setup file, TeleScriptAV-Gold-Setup-XXX.exe (XXX is the version ID. Version "-070" is current as of this writing.)
  • Open an Administrative Command Prompt as follows:
    1. You must have administrative privileges.
    2. This must be done from the COMMAND PROMPT running in Administrative Mode.
       a. Press the Win + R on your keyboard.
       b. In the Run dialog box, type “cmd” into the field and then press <Ctrl + Shift + Enter>.
       c. This will open Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  • Now, in the command prompt window, navigate to the folder that contains your TAV setup file.
    If you've followed the suggested steps, the command will be:

    CD C:\Users\%Username%\Desktop\TAV-Setup <enter>, where %Username% is your individual user name.
  • The command prompt should now read: C:\Users\%Username%\Desktop\TAV-Setup>
  • Now, type this command to begin the silent installation:

    TeleScriptAV-Gold-Setup-XXX.exe /S /v/qn <enter>

    Substitute the version number of your installer for XXX.

The meanings of the command line arguments are:

  • /S = Do not show InstallShield GUI (Graphic User Interface)
  • /v/qn = do a "quiet" installation with no progress messages or completion messages